Friday, October 22

I'm going to Miami, Welcome to Miami

Applications are in and appointments are made! I made an appointment at the Spanish Embassy in Miami to apply for my Student Visa. My mom and I are driving down (11 hours!!) because the Spanish Embassy requires that you apply in person. I also have to bring tons of paperwork about school and is a bit daunting. We are going to be driving mid-November so stay tuned for the adventures of Miami! 

I just got all my final paperwork in and all my applications are finally done. I had to apply to both the University of South Carolina Study Abroad Program and the University of Virginia's Hispanic Studies Program. I have applied for a Carolina Global Scholarship through USC but I have not heard the results of that yet. I am hoping for the scholarship because anything helps and I am having to pay the out-of-state tuition for Virginia (yikes!). 

I have signed up for my classes abroad. I will be taking 15-18 hours depending on which I want to do. Luckily, I will be receiving an American transcript at the end of the semester so all of my grades and credits will apply to my USC GPA. I am taking: Grammar Review, Translation, Survey of Spanish Literature II, Spanish Culture and Civilization, Introduction to Spanish Art, and Spanish 20th Century History. Full course load! I also found out that if you speak English on campus, you get in big trouble! I am so excited....I will continue to keep everyone updated with the progress of events. Thanks for all of your love and support....And Happy Birthday Ben!!


  1. You are taking a lot of credit hours; when will you have time to entertain your parents when they visit?

  2. Glad you had a great trip to the Spanish Consulate. What's next?
